Join the Team

Want to be apart of Ryno? You came to the perfect place. Down below are three forms to choose from where you can volunteer to work for us!


There are different sections of Ryno in which you can choose from. Want to further develope websites, make new commands, or even work on server side this is the place for you. Applying for developer is not an easy task. We do not just trust anyone, be sure to back things up, explain what you are applying for, and the work you do. Along with things about yourself.


Community Manager

As the job of a community manager, your job is to be very knowledgable with the bot. You are also responsible for the support agents and to make sure everything is done correctly. Developers may ask the Community Managers to do small tasks such as creating forms, making emojis, or any small jobs to do with Ryno.

Forms closed as we are full.


Support Agent

As a support agent, your job is to have notifications on in the official Ryno server. In the server, you then reply to people as fast as possible while answering their questions efficiently. Your goal is to explain everything in great detail in one answer while making the message look nice. Are you up for the challenge?
